What is Newborn Home Visitation Program?
A registered nurse offers a voluntary home visit to all St. Lucie County residents who deliver a newborn at Lawnwood Regional Medical Center & Heart Institute or St. Lucie Medical Center. The visit includes physical assessment of mother and baby, home safety assessment and follow up with OB/GYN practitioners if necessary.
How do we sign up?
While in the hospital a Newborn Home Visitation Nurse will visits yours hospital room and introduce herself to the new parents. She will proceeded to set up an appointment with the family shortly after discharge to follow up once the baby is home. Having this visit in the home helps with the following:
- Reduces Emergency Room Visits
- Decreases hospital readmission
- Increases well-infant visits
- Reduces incidence of abuse and neglect
- Associated with a reduction in Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Syndrome (SUIDS)
- Reduces the incidence of postpartum depression
- Fewer unintentional injuries, ingestion, and poisonings.
How Will Your Newborn Home Visitation Program will Help You?
- Tell you about services you can get
- Tell you about the Healthy Start Program
- Help you get into Woman, Infant and Children’s (WIC) Nutrition Program
- Call you to see how you are doing
- Help you find a doctor for your baby
- Help you find health insurance for your baby
- Answer questions you may have
- Help you get other prenatal services like classes, counseling, or help from other agencies
- Help you if you have special needs

To read more about the Newborn Home Visitation Program, click here.